
Integration Plugin for Magento

Integrate GloBee and WooCommerce

In order to integrate GloBee with your WooCommerce based e-commerce site, please follow the instructions below. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our customer support.

Note: The latest versions this plugin was tested on was Wordpress v5.4 and WooCommerce v4.0.1

Installing the plugin

  1. Download the latest plugin.
  2. Open your website console, navigate to the Plugins and click on Add New, then click on Upload Plugin.
  3. Upload the zip folder when prompted, and follow the installation instructions.
  4. Once installed, click "Activate Plugin".
  5. Click on "Settings" under the GloBee plugin.

Connecting GloBee and WooCommerce

  1. Sign in to GloBee on a different browser tab and navigate to "API -> Payment API".
  2. Click the "Create New Key" button.
  3. Complete the Label Field.
  4. Click "Create Key".
  5. Copy the "Key"
  6. On the WooCommerce GloBee Plugin Settings Page, paste the key in the "Payment API Key" field.
  7. Save the changes, and you are ready to start accepting payments through GloBee.com.

Upgrading to version 2.0.0

  1. Download Version v2.0.0
  2. Login to your website's backend and navigate to "Plugins" -> "Installed Plugins"
  3. Locate the installed GloBee plugin on the page.
    1. Click "Settings"
    2. Make sure to backup all the values to transfer them to the new plugin.
    3. After you have written down all the settings, return to "Plugins" -> "Installed Plugins"
  4. Locate the installed GloBee plugin on the page, and click "Deactivate". Do not delete the plugin! This will wipe your settings.
  5. Click on "Add New" at the top of the page, and then on "Upload Plugin"
  6. Click on Browse, and locate the zip file you just downloaded, and click "Install Now"
  7. Once installed, click on "Activate Plugin"
  8. Click on settings to make sure all the settings are still correct

If you wish to delete the old plugin from the list without wiping the settings, you would have to delete the plugin files manually. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open the folder where Wordpress is installed and go to "wp-content" -> "plugins"
  2. Delete all folders starting with "globee-woocommerce-payment-api-*" except the latest one